المدة الزمنية 3:7

Specific meaning in Hindi Meaning of specific in Hindi with sentences and translation in Urdu Hindi

بواسطة ifactner
15 768 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/05/01

Learn specific meaning in Hindi. We learn the meaning of English word "Specific" and make example sentences. We understand the translation of English sentences in Hindi. Meaning of Specific in Hindi is विशिष्ट (Specific). Specific meaning in Urdu is مخصوص. English example sentence with the word specific are as follows: Can you be more specific? Did you do anything specific? They are planning to meet at a specific time and place. We translate the above English sentences in Hindi. Follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ifactner . /LearnEnglishHindiUrduspeakingNew is an Ifactner's languages learning channel which aims to help you in learning different languages including English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Dutch, French and German. This channel also contains courses on web development and computer networking. To follow other important English learning and speaking videos on Ifactner's channel: Learn English speaking for beginners through Hindi and Urdu /playlist/PLtBV6zZI13pZvf1N5PaSROxwgBMJvvGbm Learn English through Hindi - Fast track Hindi English speaking full course अंग्रेजी बोलने का सबक /watch/k1V4pFWlvWwl4 English about Love | Learn English through Hindi | Love & Relationships پیار प्यार /watch/sZEdlqroikdod English about food | Learn English through Hindi | IELTS & TOEFL Vocabulary /watch/4naitHTbMPpbi


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