المدة الزمنية 1:33:18

Crucial Risks & Opportunities from COVID-19 | Daniel Schmachtenberger

بواسطة Foresight Institute
34 271 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/05/28

Daniel Schmachtenberger, NeuroHacker Collective Zoom Transcription: https://otter.ai/s/whiByhP5TZCxMI1wtOctgw If a catastrophe is an event which causes the loss of most expected value, a eucatastrophe is an event which causes there to be much more expected value after the event than before. Currently, there may be a few unique opportunities to steer the COVID-19 crisis away from catastrophe toward eucatastrophe. Some demand urgency given the speed with which the crisis is changing and the likely short time-window in which it will be possible to push for those ideas. The earlier we start exploring options, the better. Foresight Hivemind is a three-weeks global online workshop to develop promising opportunities into action. The goal is to grow a global community of contributors so that the ideas garner simultaneous support across the world. We’ll have daily online salons in which focus groups screen one promising opportunity for change. Sign up here: https://foresight.org/hive-mind Add to your Google calendar: https://bit.ly/foresightcalendar Watch the videos: https://bit.ly/globalsalonplaylist Join us: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/foresightinst ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foresightinst ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/existentialhope/ ► LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/foresight-institute ► Support to join: https://foresight.org/donate/membership/ Foresight Institute advances technologies for the long-term future of life, focusing on molecular machine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computer science. Follow us here for videos concerning our programs on Molecular Machines, Biotechnology & Health Extension, Intelligent Cooperation, and Existential Hope.


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تعليقات - 149
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    @pissycritterمنذ 4 سنوات I believe one of the big reasons Daniel is so good at communicating, and seems so reasonable is because he's so intellectually honest. He doesn't id="hidden2" class="buttons"> waste time playing word games, or validating and demonstrating his good intentions. I could be wrong, but I tend to trust people like that much more because hes not trying to prove what a good guy he is. I don't think I explained that very well, but there it is, for what its worth. Thanks for the discussion, loved it! ....وسعت 45
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    @55chhمنذ 4 سنوات The brilliance and clarity come out of him like a river! How has he not gotten shut down? 26
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    @karmalodro1593منذ 4 سنوات I never get tired of listening to this guy speak these days he's just resonates with truth. 8
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    @irenedecaso6245منذ 4 سنوات The interviewer is so funny and cheeky! <3 And well.no words to describe the admiration I feel for Daniel. 17
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    @patrickk4180منذ 4 سنوات Daniel Schmachtenberger on Joe Rogan Podcast please. 42
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    @ErnestoEduardoDobarganesمنذ 4 سنوات What a great conversation. Daniel always bright !!! 8
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    @GrantLenaartsمنذ 4 سنوات What is important what is interesting & what is valuable ? - a lower level of sacred and worthy of devotion is what calls you into service, what you id="hidden4" class="buttons"> can not do.Brilliant that’s useful and a great framework for action.What kind of decision architectures ....وسعت
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    @TheLegofreak99منذ 4 سنوات This is so thoughtful and interesting. Thank you for bringing this to us. 2
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    @jamesdewane1642منذ 4 سنوات "I'm gonna speak orthogonal to that question." Yeah, imagine how that would sound at a school board meeting, or almost anywhere else. 4
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    @BarbaraMerryGengمنذ 4 سنوات Ok . My mind wakes up when Daniel speaks .. And , btw .. it’s worse than I imagined ‍♂️ I’m going to have to hold myself together ! 1
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    @mirtra6078منذ 4 سنوات In the Hichickers guide to Galaxy , there is a part where it says ( I shall paraphrase, as it was long time I read it ,but this stuck with me) : The problem was How to make a person who didn't want to rule over others be in charge of others . ....وسعت 4
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    @AllGrowingمنذ 4 سنوات There it is: "What is most precious, most meaningful to me - more than my own experience and my own life?! ." 3
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    @geodav5700منذ 3 سنوات Aesthetically brilliant wall paper! Also, a very interesting podcast.
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    @irenedecaso6245منذ 4 سنوات Awesome questions from everyone!! Could listen to Daniel share his wisdom and knowledge for hours. IMO the root of the problem in most of the current democracies id="hidden7" class="buttons"> is the profound lack of interest the populus truly has in these matters. Ignorance and superficiality abound. I don't know to what extreme this is a consequence of human nature and its masses or whether this problem can be combated through proper education and critically curious stimulation of kids brains. Otherwise propaganda instead of careful, nuanced thinking will lead the policies. And democracy is nothing other than the 4 year dictatorship of those who can do propaganda better. If we are to stick to the democratic idea I really think we should perform a knowledge test on voters and have the value of their vote be proportional to their score. Some people argue this is unfair for those who have not been educated but I don't believe this is the case. Many people who go to private schools are extremely superficial and have no clue of economics, history or geopolitics. Other people from poor families are extremely knowledgable, specially in this time period of free information. It makes no sense that everyone's vote is worth the same just as it makes no sense that a heart surgeon should tell an architect how to build a house. Even if we did have better educational systems, I still believe some people are naturally less curious, less nuanced or less interested in important matters than others. As a consequence these people would probably be less knowledgable and hence less likely to know what the best solution to a problem was than someone who has studied the subject in depth or who has at least been curious about it. Some sensitive and politically correct people would call me all sorts of things for suggesting that not everyone's vote should be worth the same, however isn'it more cruel to have ignorant (too often also arrogant) people making bad decisions that ultimately lead to resource mismanagement and poverty? Why would anyone want to have a strong opinion on a matter they know nothing about? I can see people wanting to have an opinion on things they know nothing about at a bar, over some beers, but most of the times it goes beyond this and people actually want to impose their opinion on society and attack those who don't agree, when they are not even aware of their ignorance on the matter. I think the reason we see so much of this is not purely due to the arrogant nature of humans, but in many cases due to the fear propaganda has installed in peoples hearts and minds, by which they think that if they don't have THAT certain opinion then they must be evil or putting everyone in danger by not attacking "the enemy". An example I see is the idea of socialism. There are too many people out there who automatically jump to the conclusion that you must be a selfish, careless and heartless prick if you dare mention that socialism is not without danger and that it has some profound caveats. It'as if people's ability to think nuancedly has been hyjacked by fear and emotion. I say, we need to improve the educational system (duh?) and have a graded voting system. Otherwise democracy makes no sense at all and IMO is worse than both anarchy or fascism. Either have a state that has the ability to make good decisions for its citizens or have no state at all. Either give free range to distrubuted self-organisation or have a central executive that works. But don't have a central executive that just makes things worse and gets in the way of people organising themselves. ....وسعت 13
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    @4real277منذ 4 سنوات Does anyone know another video or podcast where Daniel talks in-depth about solutions for the problem of how a non violent tribe/ way of life can stay id="hidden8" class="buttons"> that way yet defend itself against violent tribes/ways of life? Basically how can game B players survive in a Game A world or against game A threats of trying to live independently of Game A system. ....وسعت 2
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    @teepower3843منذ 4 سنوات Great call on Gen McChrystal, people need to wake up 1
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    @Kolmirمنذ 4 سنوات For me at
    sacred = liberty, self-transcendence, strategic wisdom, art
    devotion = help to build better Omni-win organizations :)
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    @reneeriffle2058منذ 4 سنوات Daniel is brilliant. I could not focus on what she was saying due "like" being her every third word. All I could do is count the number of tmes she said it. 1
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    @SerenaWeatherallمنذ 3 سنوات Is that Vishnu behind him? The one and only question I am left with no matter how many Daniel interviews I watch !
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    @KevinAndrewManمنذ 4 سنوات Economic stability can be calibrated perfectly with a water flow MONIAC analog computer system. UK used to use one. Worth a go.
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    @buddyschreizerden3611منذ 4 سنوات Allison really needs a good microphone. 22
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    @mrpinkponyمنذ 4 سنوات Lol. “After scrolling on Facebook for 5 minutes, I’ve totally forgot about what’s important” hypersrimuli. So true 4
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    @smjohnson1970منذ 4 سنوات Daniel talked about a beta version of a meta news site coming out. Do we have any updates on that project? 6
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    @lambertronixمنذ 4 سنوات the discussion of probing the problem around makes me think of cynefin and maybe foresight institute should have dave snowden on 1
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    @DeconvertedManمنذ 4 سنوات What is sacred - only what is really real, that is all that matters, what are the facts, and what truth do the facts bear out? That is all that should id="hidden12" class="buttons"> matter, that is all that does matter. Only the truth, just the truth, and nothing but the truth. ....وسعت 3
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    @DeconvertedManمنذ 4 سنوات If you are convinced that "things are bad" then you just might make it true. I want to convince people that its pretty good, and that we can make it better. 11
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    @jsimp8540منذ 4 سنوات Don't worry Allison, I wouldn't know how to respond to that either. 5
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    @original_posterمنذ 4 سنوات That's the key.smart people are THINKING of solutions but are not in a position to take effective action. Those in positions of power have been prepared for crises for a very long time.
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    @grayarcanaمنذ 4 سنوات C’est vrai! Apres Louis, le deluge!
    Apres Deux Seicles, le deluge!
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    @kenakennedyمنذ 4 سنوات Would love to hear a whole conversation about the rivalrous culture vs non-rivalrous topic at 59 in. 1
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    @johnkeeleywrzesinski4803منذ 3 سنوات smart man, great identification of problems and downstream consequences. Forward thinker. No answers or solutions proposed though. 20/20 vision in retrospect. id="hidden16" class="buttons"> Generalized statements that will partially resonate with both poles of ideology, yet no plan proposed other than other people coming together to figure out solutions. ....وسعت
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    @andrewphoenix3609منذ 4 سنوات Just had a look at Foresights Healing the Planets Accelerator program and it appears to include predominantly architects of the existing fragile systems. id="hidden17" class="buttons"> Surely our first horizon isn't nanotech, biotech or arpa. Surely efforts need to be focused on changing the way we do things with the resources we have, we don't need more product, we just need to adopt sustainable practices that are quick and easy to implement and ignite local communities support decentralisation. Chasing new technology innovations in a crisis is what got us here in the first place. ....وسعت
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    @4sovereignTمنذ 4 سنوات Love this Guy, However he said at about 24min, ' that the those seeking sustainability rather than short term gains need to move at the same pace' id="hidden18" class="buttons"> (paraphrased),. Its like asking A builder to build a house as fast as the arsonist can destroy it. Quite frankly that's impossible. In order to localize food production, you need to deal with the minds of men who are in one paradigm and try and 'convert' them to another, before shortages become acute. Good luck! I'll settle for finding those who can produce and who are willing to defend what they produce and leave all else to providence. ....وسعت
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    @WalterBurtonمنذ 3 سنوات LOVE IT. God forbid a "philosopher" be asked, "No, but how do you propose we ACTUALLY get shit done?" LMAO
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    @jamesdewane1642منذ 4 سنوات bringing back the idea of sacred and not being ashamed to talk in those terms. After a couple hours of this guy here and other vids, i thought this is where he HAD to be going. What else can get you out of a competitive, avaricious, dominance-seeking mindset? Nothing. The problems in the world are spiritual. And the solutions are spiritual. ....وسعت
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    @stinksofbeefioمنذ 4 سنوات "Anyone who's paying attention had all those thoughts and then started doing other shit again"
    Wow I feel attacked
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    @elainehiggins713منذ 3 سنوات Three years ago, this guy said that our oceans will be dead “in seven years”. Prepare yourselves, in four years there will be no McFish! 1
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    @williamspain8135منذ 4 سنوات "If you can't explain a concept to an 8 year old, in 10 minutes, it is bogus".Auth. Unk.
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    @Chimbocotoمنذ 4 سنوات I would love to know the artist behind the painting 4
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    @4sovereignTمنذ 4 سنوات RE;44min, Like Ayn Rand and Schopenhauer says, you can't beat these people, in those institutions. They see the virtuous man and will destroy him despite id="hidden20" class="buttons"> themselves. All we can do is ensure that we give them no energy and associate only with those who are productive, honest and just. ....وسعت
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    @neoepicurean3772منذ 3 سنوات - they should be okay, I never feel like eating when it's that hot.
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    @danielnelson3136منذ 2 سنوات What all the Covid response critics misunderstand is that Covid could have been much worse and deadlier than it turned out to be. Therefore, erring on id="hidden21" class="buttons"> the side of caution was appropriate. When dealing with an unknown thing, a conservative approach is proper. Despite many holistic effects that could have rippled and have had knock on effects in different sectors, the response to Covid at that time, when the virus was starting and raising in infection rates, is the proper approach. ....وسعت 1
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    @oliwiak2050منذ 3 سنوات Peaceful culture survives and is authentically peaceful if its has a skill and capacity for violence and chooses to use other means
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    @4sovereignTمنذ 4 سنوات 39min; classic Machiavelli - prince, Perhaps the question is how to create a system that psycho and socio-paths can't control. Eternal vigilance! Teach id="hidden22" class="buttons"> your children to be jealous of their liberty, and never say 'because I told you so', and always ask them what is reasonable and Just. ....وسعت
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    @williamspain8135منذ 4 سنوات Prairie Home?: "It's frightening to wake up one day and realize you went to high school with the people running the country"- Garrison K. 1
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    @smlorrinمنذ 4 سنوات Perhaps the key is to legalize psychotropic drugs. Of course, the Powers That Be wouldn't want that because humanity would be much more likely to awaken id="hidden24" class="buttons"> and not be as easy to manipulate. I suspect that this is why psychotropic drugs are currently illegal in most parts of the world. ....وسعت 1
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    @bobabernathy6108منذ 4 سنوات just tell her that terraforming mars is the only way out and shell be on board
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    @WalterBurtonمنذ 3 سنوات Daniel Schmachtenberger: Surely the king of "That's not what I asked, but your answer is still very interesting." lol
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    @LuigiTrapaneseمنذ 3 سنوات I know that is not the point, but Allison is such a beautiful girl. I have to say it.
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    @LisaAllenFitnessمنذ 4 سنوات Such a shame about the audio quality. I think it must have been a very interesting discussion but I couldn’t understand what the lady was saying. I stayed to listen to Daniel. 1
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    @slaveofAllah919منذ 4 سنوات Here in Bangladesh we had democracy for about 3 years only, 1972-1975 AND now its narcissism
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    @DeconvertedManمنذ 4 سنوات I have all sorts of ideas for different systems, but who would listen to me or my ideas? Even if I put them out there, also - like, how would anyone actually do anything to change anything? :/ IDK. Sigh. 1
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    @n1mbusmusic606منذ 4 سنوات Space mirrors, thorcon nuclear power, pump fresh water out of the arctic 1
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    @andybaldmanمنذ 4 سنوات Interestingly, his description here fits Joe Biden pretty well. 2
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    @grayarcanaمنذ 4 سنوات We pass the Sacred by, on our way to our graves. 4
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    @johtfloridaman6227منذ 4 سنوات When you need manly p hall in your life 3
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    @taylorburton7820منذ 4 سنوات She's speaking too fast and saying too much each time she speaks. Makes me tune out. One thing at a time! I skipped over her speaking and went straight to Daniel. 7
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    @jjuniper274منذ 3 سنوات I'm very concerned. I "liked" many of Daniel's discussions. However, I went back and my "like" was no longer present.
    Please be aware of this.
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    @Kolmirمنذ 4 سنوات There are already (anti-rivalrous) Game-B communities on FB and Reddit, trying to build something new.
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    @grahamhindle8354منذ 4 سنوات Your sound quaility is bad. You need to buy a good mic. 3
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    @jamesdewane1642منذ 4 سنوات View from early September: no famine in India nor massive migration out of Nigeria.
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    @suryacoapy5129منذ 4 سنوات If technology is so good and virtual meetings are such an effective way to share and build ideas, why is the audio quality so low that I can understand only 50% of what the woman is saying? 5
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    @bobabernathy6108منذ 4 سنوات all this institutional betrayal.nauseating 1
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    @ptbuildlovedesign6505منذ 4 سنوات And like.don't interview so fast.like 4
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    @grigoryalexandrovitchpecho6934منذ 4 سنوات She's really brilliant too, but that woman is like the archetype for pretty. 4
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    @Misuciمنذ 4 سنوات Allison Duettmann is the person, who wants to make a "tons of money" and that is the problem according to Daniel Schmachtenberger. Politicians id="hidden30" class="buttons"> are the primary organizers of society, and not entrepreneurs. Of course there are lots of corrupt politicians, and thy are corrupted by corrupt entrepreneures. Peter Thiel: Competition Is for Losers - WSJ ....وسعت
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    @garvintimmannمنذ 4 سنوات Daniel likes to swear a lot. F this, F that, take your kids out room, Daniel Schmachtenberger is speaking 1
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    @benzun9600العام الماضي Allison was so ignorant on the oil situation. daniel ok, he said nothing new. not sure why he has the fan club
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    @WalterBurtonمنذ 3 سنوات But if you're arguing for a bodhisattva, can you be a bodhisattva? Who cares? Point stands: We need some George Washingtons, STAT!
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    @LiftOffLifeمنذ 4 سنوات And why shouldnt money be interest free.
    Oh yes the Banksters.yet again.