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What is eco-anxiety feat. @drali

بواسطة zentouro
10 156 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2019/01/29

الفئة Education

عرض المزيد

تعليقات - 85
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    @rea85855 years ago Just watching this video about how climate change could make me anxious made me anxious 15
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    @ashleymariefelix20895 years ago Thank you for posting this video. I felt like I was alone in how I am feeling. Climate change, and other environmental issues are incredibly overwhelming and it is hard to get the people around me to understand why it is hard for me to leave my room on the really hard days. I appreciate the tips on getting past those times so I can keep trying to do something about it. I love all your videos. ... 4
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    @OurChangingClimate5 years ago I'm glad your back! You both just put into words perfectly the ideas I've been struggling with lately. I really liked Dr. Mattu's thoughts talked on finding that balance between a need for very real concern about climate change, but not letting it consume mental well-being. Another awesome video, thanks :) ... 16
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    @creamoftomatosoup5 years ago This is something I've been struggling with for a couple of years now. Especially in summer when I see the temperature numbers tick up I feel panicky, nauseous and helpless. I take steps every day to do my small bit for the environment but it doesn't make any difference to the sense of overwhelming doom.
    It feels like grief. Like the world I knew as a child is dying. I want to go see a councelor about this. I don't want to go through another summer feeling so emotionally sick and having nowhere to turn.
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    @cassylangston17555 years ago There should be more videos about ecoanxiety its a very real thing that I have been dealing with for years its terrifying and very real thank you so much I hope enough people watch this and start making changes to save our world ... 22
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    @charlotte-allan5 years ago Thank you 🙏 this is very real and I've suffered panic attacks as a result of this anxiety. This was very helpful. Big love to everyone going through this 💚 and thank you for caring about mamma 🌍 7
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    @winterburden5 years ago The best way to alleviate eco-anxiety and help the environment will be to eliminate capitalism! 30
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    @tatianach9175 years ago I'm 27 and married but I don't think I'll have kids ever. I don't want them to die suffering from the heat and feeling helpless 2
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    @aesthetic_igsm96375 years ago I have been having this eco-anxiety since the beginning of this year..I’m only 14 and my heart tends to race every time I think about it.i have even switched to more eco friendly things ..I am very scared but I think there is still hope bc people are trying to help the best way they can by switching to eco friendly things and cleaning oceans..and I downloaded an search engineer called Ecosia...it plants trees with every 45 searches..I just hope things get better soon because it’s really scary to think about ... 3
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    @andjelaboskovic11614 years ago I am so glad I came across your channel! Great video! 2
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    @zoelouisethrasher5 years ago 1. Glad to see you back 
    2. love the edits/transitions on this video 
    3. love the psychologist in socks 
    4. gurl hang up your posters! 😂
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    @alisonchavarria15815 years ago Thanks for exploring the yet unnamed anxiety that so many people are feeling. Marshall Vian Summers has spoken specifically about this, especially concerning the convergence of climate change, economic collapse, the resulting refugees of these events combined with...get ready... an extraterrestrial intervention here to take advantage of the human race at a particular vulnerable point in our development. With it he presents a pathway to not only cope but to move forward individually and collectively. ... 11
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    @broeklien38175 years ago I am very much in tune with the planet as 3rd generation farmer in two continents. There is no significant change in the climate according to people who live with it from day to day.
    With my hands in the sand and between my old cows, from every sunrise to every star filled sky I saw. There was no extreme weather that didnt also occur 50 or 80 or 100 years ago.
    I think that climate anxiety is triggered by the media and politics and companies that benefit from this scare by pretending to have solutions. But there is no trend in the variables that would prove a disaster is coming up.
    I would know, I made all my decisions based on gutfeeling every season of every year as my parents and grandparents tought me. Nothing in me is worried. Nothing I see from year to year is abnormal.
    They want you to be scared so you are easier to manage cause you will look to them for answers. But how do they know? How could they know the future is doomed if nothing really changed?
    I hope I can give you a part of my calm heart. Its allright. Nothing changed. The grass and the cows are fine as they always were. The farmers would be the first ones to notice if things were wrong. But none of my fellow farmers have noticed a change other than just the odd bad year amongst many good ones.
    Big hug from a farmer.
    I wish you well
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    @zrzk5 years ago welp, watching this while stuck at home in the middle of this polar vortex.
    i always have disaster prep supplies but i've NEVER thought about including emotional supplies. gonna do that now.
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    @theworkinprogresssystem11145 years ago I have had so much anxiety about this. I want to take action and protest. I am so frustrated. People in power place money over life.Our biodiversity is falling. I want to start a protest. I have panic attacks more and more. Please tell me what I can do to save our planet. ... 4
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    @anhi16805 years ago I've been feeling eco-anxiety for years, but the IPCC special report yesterday kind of triggered this new feeling of frustration: I'm out here trying to go from vegetarian to vegan, trying not to use plastic and reduce food waste and what not and lately I've become aware that I'm trying to compensate for others because when I look around I hardly see anybody taking action so I respond with trying to be stricter and stricter with myself. And now my family invites my to their big annual bbq and go like "Oh, you're still doing that?" While casually conversing about the burning forests and the hotter than usual summer, their latest holidays on a luxury cruise and how cute my cousins baby is, who probably wont have any forests left in 20 years. Like - why would I start eating meat again, knowing all this? Why don't you stop eating meat already?
    Can you make a video about how to deal with that feeling - being part of a society, a family, a group that wont change their climate damaging behavior but make fun of you for being worried and not enjoying their f*cking barbeque?
    I just need to do everyday stuff but I'm too frustrated right now.
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    @iammrbeat5 years ago I feel like most of us are the frog sitting in water slowly boiling and not realizing it. I do think more policy makers could get a little bit more anxious about climate change. :) 23
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    @Azoryo5 years ago I love your gravity assist poster in the background. My gf got me a print of the sprinkled voyager one for Christmas :) 5
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    @JadeDragonRaze5 years ago what helps me in my eco-anxiety is research and trying to educate other people and change my habits so at least I know I'm trying to help, you know? 2
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    @ChristaGeek3 years ago This was so well done! Thank you for covering eco-anxiety! It's such an invisible but real part of society and I've actually struggled finding more information on it. 1
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    @Soprie5 years ago It's nice to have a word for what young and informed people feel besides ones that have general negative connotations like "liberal guilt" or "anxious snowflake" etc. Coming from a very conservative background, even discussing climate change was taboo, and so sitting with that knowledge created more anxiety within me because of isolation. ... 3
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    @Aaron-yr3tn5 years ago The best thing I did to address my eco-anxiety was read Marshall Vian Summers' book called The Great Waves of Change (dot org - free online as an ebook). It lays out what is coming, and this is scary, of course; but it gives the best direction I have seen on how to change both your inner and outer life to prepare for the future and to become a contributor to the world, rather than a hapless victim of it. I have followed its guidance and now feel more empowered and determined. ... 3
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    @shaunaburton71363 years ago Eco anxiety is real! I think you really just need to focus on what you can do. The world situation is hard. 2
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    @boneappletee64163 years ago Recently discovered your channel, and absolutely loving the content! :)
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    @camwatson69964 years ago I absolutely feel this all the time. I even decided not to have children because of this anxiety. I would like to have kids, but the hopelessness is a lot. 1
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    @edelmartinez97455 years ago The people who live in Europe and don't suffer climate disasters can also suffer eco-anxiety... I suggest doing actions to help the environment could be a good remedy for it. The anxiety it's still there but it makes me feel better when I do eco-friendly actions :) ... 1
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    @LuxAeterna228785 years ago Thanks for this video. People need to hear stuff like this!
    It bothers me so much that so many climate skeptics seem to think we believe in this because we want to be right or to advance some political or economic agenda. How we would love to be wrong! It would be wonderful to live in a universe in which we had no power to upset the precious mechanisms that allow life to flourish. Where we could continue using fossil fuels forever with no negative consequences. But, we of course don't. There's nothing irrational about the growing sense of grief and horror we feel as we watch human apathy and selfishness leading bringing us ever closer to a terrible future.
    I can only hope our efforts have the greatest impact possible.
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    @shippuuuden20093 years ago I have OCD and Eco Anxiety....the two don't mix well. 😞 1
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    @eleoptera4 years ago So maybe part of the difference between people who take climate change seriously and those who don't isn't only a difference in understanding but perhaps the psychological trait of your primal fear of immediate dangers being equipped for long term dangers? For me what has helped is to realize that this anxiety I'm feeling is my primal instinct or "It" reacting to sonething it's not really equipped for. And no matter how likely any event is, you can't really predict any one thing. So your primal fear isn't really of use, especially if it paralizes you. So it's better to be aware of your feelings, but don't let them take over you and focus on what you can do to make things better. ...
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    @RachelWolfe5 years ago I don't remember subscribing to this channel...
    This was a really insightful video, and very good use of a guest star. DFTBA!
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    @philippj57115 years ago That fun fact about evolutionary changes to the brain doesn't really seem like a silver lining to me; didn't that just happen because during those times everyone who was even REMOTELY maladjusted brain-wise simply died and couldn't produce offspring? Like, returning to those environmental pressures on our survival is depressing, not uplifting. ... 4
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    @eadlynjune5 years ago I’ve been having bad eco-anxiety for the past few months. I’m very aware of what I’m doing and others. Yesterday I had a bag of recycling (I know in reality it’s not much but at the moment it’s the best I can do) and my mother took it while I was cleaning it to put away and threw it in there and I almost I broke down. It’s like I feel like there’s nothing you can you do. ... 1
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    @KarolaTea5 years ago This is a really interesting topic, and one I had not heard of before! Which is weird, seeing the general "doomsday fear" (be that because the environment, or politics, or 'people') seems to be pretty common. I wonder if there are any parallels to the cold war?
    Big thanks to both of you for this video!
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    @dianasofia16694 years ago I am not positive about the future because I’m in one of those “front lines” but if I were in a more confortable position maybe I would also feel hopeful about the future of me, my family and my community 🤔😅
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    @Skoda1305 years ago Yet we lost many civilization, and this will be our greatest loss so far.
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    @ianrbuck5 years ago Since your focus on this personal channel is so close to Hot Mess, which you also work on, how do you decide which topics to cover on which channel? 2
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    @bobleonard71225 years ago ever consider action versus talk, like maybe take a year off and put your boots on something other than NYC streets and your focus on something other than a screen. Might help on several levels
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    @timothylowe83275 years ago Growing up in the sixties my eco-anxiety was total nuclear catastrophe. I had nightmares. I wrote a letter to the US president asking for a moon base so at least some people would witness the end. It sucked, so having taken the gun out of our mouths just so we can poison our world with the outputs of our civilisation is a big letdown. ...
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    @kvdp44273 years ago This video as well as the comments were interesting. People believe a lot of things and truths are hard to come by. If you tube had been around when I was young, the video's would have been very much the same. Same fears, same worries, same idea's, older terms and more archaic methods of data gathering.
    "All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Hebrew Traditional
    Maybe you'll live to see it all come to pass and things will truly change, or they won't, and you'll grow old in a small apartment full of cat's worried about something else you can't fix. History is full of gaps but that doesn't mean the same shit stops happening over and over.
    Also, Patreon reminds me of college kid's panhandling at the Harvard Sq. MBTA station.
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    @JadeDragonRaze5 years ago I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder AND Eco-Anxiety. Guess I'm screwed.
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    @miriammcgee8 months ago Ok... so many good things. However, I feel like this is just solutions for resigning to the fate. Is there no concrete changes the anxiety can drive?
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    @BROWNDIRTWARRIOR5 years ago This is very good, clean and concise -- addressing the more complex social issues around environmental degradation head on. Your low viewership for such fresh content only shows the apathy. 1
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    @climatebreak2 years ago three years of climate inaction and a pandemic later, climate anxiety is still not professionally recognized. there's an unspoken layer of climate anxiety where more people are losing faith in humanity since humans are the cause for climate change. there is no support for those who can't live a "normal" life because that means increasing their carbon footprint and being willfully ignorant. hospitals are sending people suffering climate anxiety who have even attempted suicide home with nothing more than a prescription for pills and therapy that can do nothing but adapt them back into society. and "it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~jiddu krishnamurti ...
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    @patrickoconnor60045 years ago Sorry but this comes across to me as not really contending with the scale of the threat. Suggestion is to have a disaster preparedness kit and something in it to entertain yourself. If your looking at the collapse of human society, and the mass extinction of life on this planet then those suggestions are inappropriate...watch any of the "headed for extinction and what to do about it" talks (I have one on my channel). If people really take this as being real, then there is a much bigger emotional journey required to not be stuck in anxiety and dramatic changes needed in our own lives. By in large we are so fear averse that miss the point that fear is appropriate and necessary to focus us. If someone was coming to kill your family tomorrow, there would be something wrong if you didn't feel fear. This threat is bigger than we can physically prepare for. Yet becoming active in protest, looking at deep adaptation, doing the emotional and community work and cherishing life moment to moment helps. But everyone's journey with this will be unique and when this really lands, no preparation will really have prepared us... ...
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    @Mrfairchap2 years ago How to deal with "eco-anxiety"? Well, for a start all those of you who think you have it can make like a pair of curtains and pull yourselves together. Stop being such Snowflakes! Worrying about it will not lead to any solutions. ... 1