المدة الزمنية 27:21


بواسطة Biswash Badu
19 502 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/05/16

Best business idea in nepal 2077/2020 I How to open your mobile repairing shop and earn 500 percent profit महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी :- मोबाइल अब विश्वका सबै मानिसका लागी आवश्यकता भए सकेकोको छ। सबैले अब स्मार्टफोन, टैब प्रयोग गर्छन्, बच्चाहरू संग पनि राम्रा क़ुवालिटी भएका मोबाईल हरु छन् । प्रत्येक घर घरमा आज मोबाईल छन । जनसख्या भन्दा आज मोबाइल नेपालमा धेरै छन । मोबाईलको डिमांड बढ़्ने साथ साथ मोबाईल रिपेयर गर्नुको काम पनि बढेको छ् । मोबाइल रिपेयर पसल एकदम राम्रो प्रॉफिट गर्ने बिजनेस हो । रिपेयर सँगै गॉना डाउनलोड, फोटोकॉपी मेसिन, लेमिनेशन मेसिन पनि पसलमा राख्न सकिंछ । निम्न चरणहरूले तपाईंको मोबाइल शप खोल्ने र तपाईंलाई सफल बनाउन तपाईंको निर्णय साकार गर्न मद्दत गर्ने छ् । १) मोबाइल शपको लागि लाइसेन्स(license) २) अन्य मोबाइल पसल विक्रेताहरूले के बेच्छन् पत्ता लगाउनुहोस्(Competitor price) ३) तपाईंको सामान बुझ्नुहोस्(Quality check) ४) पसल खोल्नु भन्दा अघि सेल फोनको बजार बुझ्नुहोस्(Market research) ५) मोबाइल शपको तालिका सिक्नुहोस्(Shop Timings) ६) ठाउँ खोज्नुहोस् जहाँ बिक्रीको सम्भावना धेरै छ(Location searching) ७) स्थानीय रुपमा प्रचार गर्नुहोस्(Local Advertise) ८) उपकरणहरूमा खर्च गर्नुहोस् जुन छिटो बिक्री हुन्छ(Fast moving items) ९) सबै कुरा एकै ठाउँमा तपाइँको ग्राहकहरु लाई उपलब्ध गराउनुहोस्(Available all) १०) बिक्री पछि समर्थन(After customer support) गर्नुहोस् About video:- Today im telling about Mobile repairing business in nepal, and you can open this business are permanent basis. Repairing mobile business is profitable and very easy to make your own goodwill in your locality. This video I spoke about the Total necessary equipment when we use while repairing. We all know all business not achieved success overnight needs focus and attention. Once you get the idea of how it works. its going to be super duper easy to become a future millionaire. And you can see also people searching : how to do business in Nepal, Top business ideas in nepali, business in nepal, profitable business ideas, no investment business in nepal in 2020, zero money business ideas in nepal, list of business ideas in nepal in 2020, business ideas for beginners, great and unique business ideas in 2020. Even sometimes in Nepali Language like business kasari garne, Nepal ma garna sakine business haru, sano lagani ma garna sakine business haru, थोरै लगानीमा धेरै फाइदा हुने व्यव्सायहरू, नेपालमै थोरै लगानिबाट शुरु गर्न सकिने बिजनेस , 1. Business Idea In Nepal 2. How to Start small investment Business In Nepal 3. Small Business Idea in nepal 4. Best Business Model In nepal 5. Risk In Business 6. Nepal maa Business Kasari garne? 7. How To Start Business in Nepal Business idea in nepal, nepal ma mobile pasal kasari garne, Business ideas in nepal 2020/2021. Which shows that Nepalese are also gradually turning towards entrepreneurship and business and the same path entrepreneur also learn and remove mistake tactics in his business. ========================================================= यदि तपाईं कुनै पनि व्यापार सम्बन्धित समस्या, नया बिजीनस जिज्ञासा वा नयाँ व्यापार खोल्न चाहानुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंहरुले मलाई कमेंट मार्फत बाट सोध्न सक्नुहुन्छ 🙏 कृपया हाम्रो Channel “Biswash Badu” लाई Subscribe गरिदिनुहोला | हाम्रो video लाई Like, share, subscribe, comment गरिदिनुहोला I Like👍 | Comment👇 | Share👫 | Subscribe👈 ========================================================= Business kasari grne business mistake in Nepal How to avoid business mistakes in Nepal Which best business to start in Nepal How to start your business in Nepal Basic steps to start business in Nepal Easy way to earn start business in Nepal Top 5 business idea in Nepal How to avoid business mistakes Business works in Nepal How to start free business in Nepal Opportunity online work in Nepal with zero investment Mobile repair nepal mobile repairing nepal mobile repairing nepali mobile repairing course in nepal mobile repairing tools in nepal mobile repairing business in nepal mobile pasal in nepal mobile pasal pasal mobile legend nepal second hand mobile mobile home in nepal nepal 2nd hand mobile nepali mobile market nepali accessories market nepal mei mobile cod mobile nepal Business idea for nepal Business in nepal 2020 #Business #Businessideainnepal #biswashbadu #ghareluudyoginnepal ========================================================== More videos:- नेपालमा साबुन फ्याक्ट्रीमा यति धेरै पैसा र संभावना छ । Soap making business सुरु गर्नुहोस /watch/eb.utuoy=erutaef&0UV6KYdOEmOOu नेपालमा अबको 30 बर्स सम्म सोचे जति पैसा कमाउन सक्ने बिजनेस यो हो I business idea of nepal /watch/5xVZBxZ ... यो कुरामा ख्याल नगर्दा ध्यान नदिदा कयौं नेपाली पछि गएर अपसोच मान्छ्न्न I Money saving ideas in nepal /watch/trpscrs ... 8 वटा नेपाल मा थोरै लागानी बाट पनि धेरै पैसा कमाउने ब्यबसाय यी हुन् I Top 8 business idea in nepal /watch/cVGyqVy ... =========================================== Any queries about business module connect me https://www.facebook.com/biswashbibas ... Email : biswashbibashbadu@gmail.com @all rights reserved


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