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How to wear Gujarati style saree | Gujarati drape | Dolly Jain Sidha Pallu Saree Draping

بواسطة Dolly Jain
218 118 مشاهدة
3.1 K
تم نشره في 2022/08/03

Sidha Palla saree draping is a popular Gujarati style of saree wearing. The drape is simple and easy but to get it perfect you need to follow few steps elaborated in detail in this video. It was a huge pleasure sharing this drape with all of you. This is a beautiful hand woven patan patola saree. Watch the video till the end to thank the artisans who put in their heart and soul to weave such a beautiful saree ! Wear this drape and share your pictures with us, this will help in encouraging the fabulous Indian art of saree draping across the globe. D’Coat is the ultimate solution to the perfect underskirt / petticoat / saaya. This comfortable underskirt gives you freedom to walk, climb stairs, run, jump and to do your everyday activities. The drawstring is placed under the elastic which prevents you from getting any bruises, while still being able to hold heavy saree in place. D'Coat: Website : https://www.iamstore.in Call : +91 9073999666 Drape Divaa: Website : https://drapedivaa.com Call : +91 7003836096 Join hands with us in spreading the rich culture of saree wearing. Dolly Jain is a Celebrity Saree Drape Stylist holding World Record. Drape a sari in not 1 but 325 different styles... ------------- SUBSCRIBE ------------------ Make sure you subscribe and never miss a new stylish look /user/dollyjainindia 👆🏼 ------------------------------------------ Learn Dolly Jain's Method, Tips and Tricks on this channel. More Videos : Saree Wearing Tutorial by Dolly Jain : /watch/aobjvixLDaR37LQNo4IoVlsT9Ld_xhYNLP=tsil&Mr8Moc-DIDHDj Dolly Jain's TIPS : /watch/AYRbuP67g_l8O8NHZH3fansT9Ld_xhYNLP=tsil&kyvHBH5mZMjmb FOLLOW US :- Buy D'Coat ▶️ https://www.iamstore.in Instagram ▶️ https://instagram.com/dolly.jain Pinterest ▶️ https://in.pinterest.com/dollyjainindia Facebook ▶️ https://www.facebook.com/DollyJainStylist Twitter ▶️ https://twitter.com/dollyjain2 Website ▶️ https://dollyjain.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #sidhapallu#gujaratidrape#sareedraper#dollyjain#sareedrapingstyles#dcoat#saree#sareedraping#howtowearsaree#bridal#latestsaree#PEREFECTPLEATES#SARI#INDIANWEAR#LATESTSAREEDRAPE#INDIANBRIDE#LEHENGA#SILKSAREE#LATESTSAREE#SAREETUTORIAL#howtowearsaree#sari#DRAPEDIVAA#SAREEDRAPINGPEGS#HOWTODRAPESAREE#WRAPSAREE#templejewellery#ethniclook#traditionaljewellery#ring#jewellery#பட்டு#சேலை#పట్టు#చీర#പട്ട്#സാരി#ರೇಷ್ಮೆ#ಸೀರೆ saree tutorial,saree wearing,saree style,sari,साड़ी,gujarati drape,wear a gujarati drape style saree,gujarati drape style saree,how to wear gujarati style saree,gujarati style saree draping,gujarati saree,gujarati saree draping,how to wear gujrati style saree,how to wear a gujarati saree perfectly,how to wear perfect gujarati saree,sidha pallu saree draping,gujrati saree draping,how to wear a saree in gujarati style,sidha pallu,learn sidha pallu style saree,sidha pallu saree,gujarati saree draping styles,sidha palla saree draping,sidha pallu saree style,how to drape gujarati saree,sidha palla,gujarati saree kaise pahne,gujarati saree style,gujarati style saree,how to wear gujarati saree,how to drape saree in gujarati style,how to wear gujarati saree step by step,gujrati style saree draping,how to wear gujarati saree perfectly,gujarati saree wearing style, cover head in saree, how to cover head in saree


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