المدة الزمنية 8:29

轻乳酪蛋糕和香兰居然那么和谐好吃!你一定要试试Pandan Cotton Cheesecake【ENG SUB】

59 654 مشاهدة
1.2 K
تم نشره في 2021/11/19

大家好,我是小豪,今天我们来做香兰轻乳酪蛋糕。很多人觉得乳酪蛋糕不难做,但是轻乳酪蛋糕好像有一点难,难在哪里?还不是希望它美美的不要开裂。其实不难的,只是有些环节需要注意一下,我们开始吧~ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Hao.sKitchen1125/ Odysee: https://odysee.com/$ /invite/Evjshb2obfTPodvZVc8fXKhjp6BdfUNW 欢迎【按赞】或【留言】,也可以【订阅】我的频道,记得打开小铃铛接收最新视频的通知,这些都可以帮助我的频道成长,谢谢你们~ Please to 【Like】 or 【Leave a message】, or you can 【Subscribe】 to my channel, remember to turn on the small bell to receive notifications of the latest video, these can help my channel grow, thank you~ 订阅: /channel/UCEG094M7Z_lQs59LtSVmVPg 材料:【8寸圆模】 B级蛋。。。5个 奶油奶酪。。。225g 低筋面粉。。。50g 细砂糖。。。95g 无盐黄油/植物油。。。50g 牛奶。。。50g 香兰精华。。。30g 白醋/柠檬汁。。。5g/1tsp 烤法:烤箱下层,水浴法,150°C/80分钟。 其他尺寸: 4寸模具:以上配方乘以0.2,烘烤温度一样,时间是50分钟。 6寸模具:以上配方乘以0.6,烘烤温度一样,时间是60分钟. 7寸模具:以上配方乘以0.8,烘烤温度和时间一样。 ***烘烤时间只是给你作为参考,还要根据你们家的烤箱脾气做调整。烤到最后,蛋糕表面摸起来干干的,用竹签插进去拔出来没有沾粘就表示熟了。还有沾粘就继续烤10分钟,直到烤熟为止。 注意事项: 1. 凝结成冰的香兰精华解冻后会有颗粒状是正常的,用力摇晃或搅拌可以化掉比较大的颗粒,小颗粒我通常不介意,成品除了会看到微小颗粒,其口感和味道没有什么影响。如果实在介意,可以试试先将香兰精华隔水加热搅拌至颗粒完全化掉。 2. 奶油奶酪已经带咸,不建议再用普通的有盐黄油,否则蛋糕的味道会偏咸。 3. 加入面粉后,面糊需要拌到顺滑无颗粒有光泽才可以。 4. 你要打到湿性发泡或中性发泡的蛋白霜都ok,差别只在于口感和组织,视频中我有做解释。 5. 蛋糕出炉后必须马上脱模放凉,冷藏之后奶油奶酪和香兰的味道会融合得更好,更好吃。 Material: 【8 inch round mold】 Grade B eggs. . . 5 Cream cheese. . . 225g Low-gluten flour/cake flour. . . 50g Caster sugar. . . 95g Unsalted butter/vegetable oil. . . 50g Milk. . . 50g Pandan extract. . . 30g Vinegar/lemon juice. . . 5g/1tsp Baking method: lower layer of oven, water bath method, 150°C/80 minutes. Other sizes: 4-inch mold: Multiply the above formula by 0.2, the baking temperature is the same, and the time is 50 minutes. 6-inch mold: Multiply the above formula by 0.6, the baking temperature is the same, and the time is 60 minutes. 7-inch mold: The above formula is multiplied by 0.8, and the baking temperature and time are the same. ***The baking time is just for your reference, and it needs to be adjusted according to your oven temperament. At the end of the baking, the surface of the cake feels dry to the touch. Use a bamboo stick to stick in and pull out without sticking to indicate it is cooked. If there is stickiness, continue to bake for 10 minutes until cooked. Precautions: 1. It is normal that the pandan extract ice cube will become granular after thawing. Vigorous shaking or stirring can dissolve the larger particles. I usually don't mind the small particles. The finished product will see tiny particles, won’t affect the taste. If you really mind, you can try heating the pandan extract by water-separation method and stirring until the particles are completely dissolved. 2. The cream cheese is already salty, it is not recommended to use salted butter, otherwise the taste of the cake will be too salty. 3. After adding the flour, the batter needs to be mixed until it is smooth, without particles and shiny. 4. You have to beat either wet foaming or neutral foaming meringues. The difference is only in the taste and texture. I have explained in the video. 5. After the cake is out of the oven, it must be demoulded immediately and let cool. After refrigerating, the flavor of cream cheese and pandan will be better and more delicious. #轻乳酪蛋糕 #香兰蛋糕 #乳酪蛋糕 #芝士蛋糕 #cottoncheesecake #cheesecake


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