المدة الزمنية 5:55

My Bone marrow Biopsy Rare Results Scare me Lymphoid Aggregates

بواسطة Nine and Vine
667 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/07/23

My Bone marrow Biopsy Rare Results Scare me! Lymphoid Aggregates? Yes, I am overwhelmed and so backed up I just needed a vent of my concern and then I'll get to updating everything. I got some of my bone marrow biopsy results back and they looked great! At least I thought so. Then I actually googled something new that had popped up. Well Now I made a video to share my anxiety and I just have to tell myself it will be ok and I need to be patient and wait for more results, and look at the good things. ++++++++++++++++ Articles referred to in this video: http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/bonemarrowlymphoidaggregates.html https://escholarship.org/content/qt44v7c78b/qt44v7c78b.pdf ++++++++++ Subscribe to Nine and Vine here: www.youtube.com/user/DosBesosBlog ++++++++++++++++ WHAT TO WATCH NEXT: Bone Marrow Biopsy Aspiration BMB Experience for Polycythemia Vera MPN -I slept- /watch/E5T-XRbUyE4U- What is My Allele Burden? Jak2V617F Polycythemia Vera MPN Gene Mutation /watch/0Ut7VbmXjyuX7 MPN Myeloid Cancer Inherited Genetic traits passed in DNA Polycythemia Vera jak2 MPNRF Article /watch/0EnT4WSQZ8ZQT Inherited Gene Household Myeloproliferative Neoplasm MPN Polycythemia Vera Essential Thrombocythemia /watch/wTwABAkTmvxTA Bone Marrow Donor Registry Be The Match Blood Cancer Leukemia MPN Lymphoma Polycythemia Vera /watch/8r7rCJiCidBCr ++++++++++++++++ More Socializing on Social Media: +Join the Facebook Page For The Viewers of the Youtube Channel Nine and Vine: Nine and Vine Polycythemia Vera MPN Chronic Illness Awareness Vlog www.facebook.com/NineandVine/ +Look for the Facebook Frames: -Go to your profile on the Facebook app -tap "Edit" on your profile picture -Then tap "Add Frame -In the search enter nine and vine -choose one of the frames +Follow ninenvine on Instagram: www.instagram.com/ninenvine/ +Tweet Tweet Here: www.twitter.com/NineandVine @NineandVine +Pinterest for Infographs: https://pin.it/jh3qik4ko3v5f6 Please Like, Share & Subscribe Thank you for watching! Wishing You Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness #Polycythemiavera #bethematch #bonemarrowbiopsyresults #lymphoidaggregates #nineandvine #mpn #ninenvinempn #cancer #bloodcancer #polycythemiavera #essentialthrombocythemia #myelofibrosis #myeloproliferativeneoplasm #bloodcancer #bloodcancers #leukemia #myeloproliferativeneoplasm #bonemarrowtransplant #MPN


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