المدة الزمنية 3:00

.:: Animash ~ Friendship Song ::. FOR VIINCA AND KITO 8D

بواسطة ShadowOfTheMeadow
15 289 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2009/09/21

THE BEST PART IT FROM 2:04!!! DON'T MISS IT!! Song: Friendship Song (Or Shoulder to Shoulder) By: Carly Simon From: Winnie the Pooh :P Clips from: TLK 1,2; Spirit SotC; Lady and the Tramp 2; Brother Bear 1,2; Bambi 2; Fox and the Hound _____________________________________ Video info: I DID NOT forget the "The Bird and the Worm" video =3 I'm working on it right NOW! It's just something I made in 1 day 8D For the 2 girls =3 I know the colors can be disturbing.. sorry for that! You must watch the video more than 1 times to understand what you see X'D BUT! I DI NOT USE effects!! The colors are from clips in Brother Bear 2 =D Nothing else :P I dunno.. may it's a new editing style XD Do you like it? And.. as you can see, I'm in a DAMN HAPPY mood 8D *jumps around* I don't know why.. I'm running in and out of hospital D= But I'm extremely happy o_O XD LOL Nevermind..jump to the dedications: _____________________________________ The video is dedicated to: ~ Viinca Originally I made this video JUST for you =3 So you can take it as yours! ^^ (But I just couldn't left the others out XD) I don't quite know the reason why I made this for you.. I just wanted to show ya, how much you mean to me! =3 I love you with all my heart! You have to know that you (and Kito) are like my sister!! We are so much alike! You are a wonderful person, and you have a special place in my heart ^_^ Lemme tell you a story :P Once.. I wanted to leave YouTube.. cause I felt like.. others just love me for my videos... and I was just about to leave in silence.. when you left a comment on my channel. You didn't know how I felt.. You just left a very kind comment ^^ And you know what? THAT comment.. YOU made me stay here =3 Believe it or not! OTHER!! SAY "THANK YOU" TO HER FOR THIS!! Without her I wouldn't be here!! XD So.. whatever happens.. you must know I'M ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU!! Love ya darling!! ^^ *1000 hugs* ~ Kito (Kitovraska) Darling =3 You already know the reason.. I think P: You are my lost SISTER =3 We are sooooo much alike 8D I think others can see it too XD Once I was YOUR inspiration.. now YOU are MINE! You are WAY BETTER than me now X'D You REALLY are! And I'm watching all your videos with wide open eyes 8D All of them.. are.. something special! They are beautiful...Especially to my heart! I can't quite know what else to say.. You are probably the closest person to me here! =] Never forget this!! ^^ *huggles* And i would love to talk to you a bit more often ;P .:: You 2 are one of the rare.. about 10-20 people, who are sooo talented, that whenever I see you put up a video I go INSANE XD I watch your vids almost every day! You must know.. you are really close to me! And btw.. I don't just love you for your videos.. that's the point here! Your videos are the best, cause you put all your heart! YOURSELF!!! Into these videos!! My life wouldn't be the same without you!!! ::. _____________________________________ Other dedications: ~ Alex (aLeXaNdRa...whatever :P) If you'd be a boy I'd marry you, darling! XD I love you with all my heart!! ^_^ ~ Kitty (KittyKraz13) Even if we don't talk that much ( We SOULD! XD) I know you are a wonderful person with.. an EXTREMELY huge heart =3 (e.g.: The MEP ;P) I'm glad to call you my friend, dear!! ^^ ~ Horsie (horselover242424) ~ Xanxer ~ Maya (xForeverMayax) Thank you for being my friend, darling!! ^^ You are really close to me! Both in personality.. and because you live in my neighbor country XD I LOVE YOU!!! ~ Megan (xpinkvenom) Darling! Please don't be afraid to talk to me!!! XD I love you sooo much, and i miss our long talks!! D= *20200220 hugs* ~ AWKodi (AlphaWolfKodi) ~ Summer (Summerlost) First.. sorry.. Vegas f**ked up your name o_O Well..btw..You were my first 100% true friend! I will never forget it! Even... even now that we grew so distant.. I miss our friendship! (btw.. where are you? D=) ~ Nika (mojcannika) ~ CrazyGirl (CG1870) you were the first YouTube legend who really took care about me! I'll never forget it to you ^^ Miss ya, daring! ~ Hortensie ~ Christine (Christinem2007) ~ Serbezaa .:: Well.. so.. I love all of you guys! But.. as you can see if you read it.. almost none of you talk to me nowdays XD So I feel quite alone.. please try to change that! I miss you all! ^^ ::. _____________________________________ For those who are not on the list, but think is my friend: You MEAN A LOT TO ME! And I would LOVE to talk to you more.. and get to know you better.. if you're not on the list.. that doesn't mean I don't like you! We just.. don't talk (anymore/usually).. So please COME AND SPEAK TO ME!!! I LOVE YOU!! ^^ _____________________________________ Song DOWNLOAD LINK!: (Cause I didn't find any place where you could download it o_O I decided to upload it myself!) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7TNE30UY Song Lyrics: http://www.6lyrics.com/music/carly_simon/lyrics/shoulder_to_shoulder2.aspx


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