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食療主義之《黃薑番茄藜麥菜飯》Quinoa with Turmeric and Vegetables

4 779 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2016/08/03

黃薑番茄藜麥菜飯 Quinoa with Turmeric and Vegetables 材料: A:藜麥一杯(要先浸過夜或數小時)、清水一杯 B:蕃薯半個 C:椰子油兩湯匙、洋蔥半個、蒜頭兩片、燈籠椒一隻、西蘭花半個、小型番茄2-3個、黃薑粉半茶匙。 方法: A:先煮好藜麥: 將浸過一杯藜麥的水倒掉後,將藜麥放入鍋裏,加清水一杯以中火煮開。(如果沒有浸過則需增加水的份量至兩杯)。 以慢火煮10-15分鐘至水被全吸收。熄火備用。 B:先煮好蕃薯: 將半個蕃薯削皮後切成小塊,放入鍋裏用兩碗清水以中火煮開,約五分鐘後熄火取出蕃薯小塊備用。 C:炒熟黃薑雜菜: 將洋蔥與蒜頭、西蘭花、燈籠椒切細,小型番茄切半。(蕃薯分開煮熟備用) 放兩湯匙椰子油入平地鍋用中火加熱後,加入洋蔥與蒜頭炒三分鐘。 加入黃薑粉半茶匙、切好的番茄、西蘭花、燈籠椒繼續炒數分鐘。 加海鹽、黑胡椒調味,全部炒熟後熄火。 混合已煮好的藜麥和蕃薯小塊即可食用。 可選擇性添加切碎果仁、小紅莓乾和石榴籽增加美味、口感與色彩。 黃薑番茄藜麥菜飯的營養價值: 黃薑有助減低體內炎症,提升免疫力,增加血液循環,促進肝臟排毒和保護腦神經細胞,經常食用可預防疾病,加速體力復原,對關注血糖問題、高血壓、高膽固醇、心血管問題、關節痛等多種狀況的人士或有幫助。黃薑是脂溶性的,它的最佳配搭是椰子油和黑胡椒,一齊炒熟食用吸收最佳。椰子油是可以用高溫煮食的健康食油,而黑胡椒含胡椒鹼有助營養成份特別是薑黃素的吸收。 藜麥是米飯和麵包的健康替代品,不含麩質又有更高的蛋白質成份,不經精煉亦含更豐富的礦物質維他命,升糖指數較低有助穩定血糖。 炒熟了的番茄釋出茄紅素,配以充富含鈣、鎂、鉀的西蘭花、燈籠椒和蕃薯,色香美味又營養豐富,是一道老幼咸宜的又容易準備的簡單素食。如果能每次都加點不同的果仁碎,乾果和石榴籽就更是錦上添花。 Benefits of Quinoa with Turmeric and Vegetables Turmeric is a traditional food used for reducing inflammation, boosting the immune sytem and blood circulation, aiding in liver detox and protecting the nerves and brain cells. It fortifies us against illnesses and helps us recover our strength. It can be helpful for those concerned with blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular and joint issues. As turmeric is fat soluble rather than water soluable, it is best absorbed when cooked with coconut oil, which is a healthy oil that can withstand medium high heat, and black pepper which contains piperine which boosts absorption of nutrients especially the curcumin in turmeric. Quinoa is a healthy substitute for rice, bread or pasta. It is gluten-free, unrefined, and rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. It has a relatively lower glycemic index and thus helpful for stabilising blood sugar levels. Cooked tomatoes are rich in lycopenes, and vegetables such as broccoli, peppers and sweet potatoes contain large amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium. This recipe is delicious and colourful and is suitable for all ages. The addition of various kind of nuts, dried fruits and pomegranate seeds each time can make the dish even more refreshing and appealing.


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